please adopt bob

this is bob

introduction to bob

bob is lonely and needs a friend. he thinks you are a nice person and he wants you to be his friend. bob is free to adopt so you won't have to spend the money that you don't have. he is very quiet and doesn't move so he will not bother you. if you find yourself unable to care for bob anymore you can eat him. (this is a good thing for bob because he is a food)

not adopting bob

if you do not adopt bob because you are unable to provide support, then you are forgiven. if you do not adopt bob but still wish him happiness and luck in the future you are also forgiven. however if you choose to not adopt bob out of pure spite, malice, or as a cruel joke, or because you do not like bob you have committed an unforgivable sin that will disgrace both your ancestors and your offspring for years to come. how dare you, who has a propensity towards sin by nature, refuse such a pure creature? you are simply bitter at the fact that a foodstuff has better skin than you. adopting bob is not a charity, it is a gift from God. Reconsider.

how to care for your bob

because of the nature of bob he is very easy to take care of. you only need to provide him with two things: love and refridgeration.


bob is very sensitive and needs significant support. to show your love for bob you can do two things:
1. put him where you can see each other. This creates a strong visual bond between you and bob and makes sure you enjoy looking at bob as you should.
2. give him physical and verbal affection. simply stroke or pat your bob to make sure he feels loved. you can also put bob in a comfy blanket or pillow. as for verbal affection you can give him compliments (ie. i like you bob, you are very nice bob, etc.). This makes sure he feels good about himself (as stated earlier, bob is very sensitive). however, part of properly loving bob is knowing:

what makes bob upset

1. do not tease or make any kind of statement that will hurt his self-esteem, even if you are joking.
2.also, bob is shy. so do not force him to be friends or talk to any other fruit or plushie you have at home.
3.bob does not like being handled forcefully, so please pick him up gently.


because bob is a fruit, there is a chance you might have to put him in the fridge to extend his life before The Decay. if you are worried that bob will be lonely in the fridge, do not. he will make friends with the other food in his own time. after a period of time you can take him out and spend some time with bob.

general bob information

age:27 years
gender: male
personality: tangerine

bob adoption form